Types of DDoS Attack and how to Anti-DDoS Website
Wed Oct 05 2022
Digital tech drives a rise in large-scale DDoS attacks. Explore common attack types and effective anti-DDoS solutions.
In the era of digital technology, the whole world is witnessing a constant increase of large-scale DDoS attacks. It not only causes economic damage but also affects the brand reputation of many organizations and businesses.
Along with the development of IT, hackers also become more sophisticated when they regularly use new forms of attacks on the website system to achieve their goals. In this article, let's take a look at some types of DDoS attacks and how anti DDoS websites are trusted by many organizations.

DDoS SYN Flood
SYN Flood is a type of denial of service (DDoS) attack that exploits a vulnerability within TCP/IP to disrupt a website or application. This attack aims to make the server no traffic for legitimate access by consuming all available server resources. With continuous sending of initial connection request (SYN) packets, an attacker can overwhelm all available ports on the target server, causing the client to respond to legitimate traffic without delay. slow or unresponsive manner.
A SYN Flood DDoS attack is executed by a three-way TCP process as follows:
- First, the attacker sends a packet (packet) of SYN messages to the server to request a connection.
- After receiving the SYN packet, the Server responds to the client with a SYN/ACK packet, to confirm the information from the Client.
- Finally, the Client receives the SYN/ACK packet, then it will reply to the server with an ACK packet telling the Server that it has received the SYN/ACK packet, the connection has been established and is ready to exchange data.

DDoS UDP Flood
UDP Flood is a type of DDoS attack in which a large number of User Datagram Protocol (UDP) packets are sent to the target server to overwhelm the device's ability to process and respond. The firewalls that protect the target server can also be exhausted due to UDP Flood in the face of this type of attack.
The process of a UDP Flood Attack attack goes like this: An attacker sends UDP packets from a spoofed IP address to random ports on the target server. The following procedure must be repeated for each incoming packet.
- At this point, the server will check the applications with the port and see that there is no application listening on the port, so it will reply with an "unreachable" ICMP packet.
- The system is forced to receive many ICMP packets, so it will lose the ability to process requests from real users or other legitimate visitors.
How to combat DDoS UDP Flood
1. Regularly back up data
You can't wait until a problem occurs to start looking for a solution, especially in security-related activities. Therefore, the best way to prevent is to back up, back up all data on your VPS before any DDoS attack, malware infection, virus happens on your hosting, website. Depending on the service provider, they will provide you with a free backup service or not. You can contact your service provider to learn more about backing up data.
2. Set password with high difficulty
To increase security, you should set a password for each service and software in the VPS independently of each other, avoid using the same password for the entire service.
3. Increase server bandwidth and storage
If the DDoS attack targets you with several hundred thousand requests. However, your server system can withstand several million requests at the same time, that DDoS attack will not affect your website much. In addition, broadband and large storage capacity will also help users to access your website/server more stably.
How to fight DDoS SYN Flood
1. Using Multi CDN
Using Multi CDN will help you to deliver your data on multiple servers at the same time. Therefore, when a hacker targets a service provider's server, you will have other servers to guard against and recover data. Not only that, CDN will also support you to "get" a lot of traffic when your website is under DDoS attack.
2. Use Anti DDoS services with a dedicated WAF firewall
The direct solution to combat DDoS attacks is to use Anti DDoS services. Currently, there are many Anti DDoS service providers on the market. Therefore, in order to limit the risks of DDoS attacks, it is also important to buy an "insurance" package to protect your website. necessary.

How does VNIS fight DDoS Website?
VNIS (VNETWORK Internet Security) ensures the website always has the best performance at any time thanks to the Multi CDN system available in 32 countries, total international bandwidth up to 2,600 Tbps for resistance to Layer DDoS attacks 3/4 at the highest level, ensuring absolute site availability.
AI Load Balancing system leverages data on CDN latency and availability in the global Multi CDN network through RUM (Real User Monitoring) and Synthetic monitoring system, helping to route traffic intelligently. prove to the best performing CDN.
In addition, the firewall system Cloud WAF and Scrubbing Centers is also enabled, ready to deal with complex attacks on Layer 7 and completely remove malicious code injection attacks (XSS, SQL, top 10 OWASP security vulnerabilities,... ).
Not only that, the SOC system in 4 countries and VNIS's experienced technical team in the field of network security will operate and monitor the status of the website and the infrastructure system 24/7 to detect problems. try immediately.
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